50x2030 data use grant competition - 2022
The 50x2030 Initiative is sponsoring its second competition for novel research projects that use 50x2030 data. Grants — from US$1,000-$8,000 — will be issued for projects that employ 50x2030 survey data to generate practical research that can be applied to national policymaking, program (re)design or investment decisions. The Initiative will then feature outputs of the supported research at the annual Global Data Use Conference in November 2022 and through other outlets. Currently, local researchers in six partner countries-- Cambodia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Georgia, Senegal and Tanzania are eligible to apply.
The data use competition aims to facilitate the building of evidence-informed policies for rural development and food security. Research proposals must demonstrate relevance to national policy or investment priorities for the public or private sector by citing documentation. Proposals should provide a rationale of how the research outputs could translate to improved decision-making and how dissemination plans will promote the application of the research outputs to the broadest extent possible.
In 2021, grants were awarded to eighteen research teams and/or individuals from five countries: Cambodia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Senegal, and Uganda. The results of these eighteen research projects were showcased in the inaugural 50x2030 Global Data Use Conference in December 2021.