ASEAN-India Science, Technology & Innovation Cooperation
ASEAN-India Science & Technology Collaboration formally started in 1996 with establishment of ASEAN India S&T working group (AIWGST). Initially, the collaborative S&T projects and activities between India and ASEAN were supported through ASEAN India Fund (AIF) but in 2008, a dedicated ASEAN India S&T Development Fund (AISTDF) with an equivalent amount of 1 million US $ was established jointly by MEA and DST to support R&D projects and associated project development activities. The AISTDF was enhanced to an equivalent amount of 5 Million US$ through an announcement by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on sidelines of ASEAN-India Summit in Malaysia in November 2015. The ASEAN-India Innovation Platform is the major element of enhanced AISTDF.
Several projects and scientific activities have been supported and implemented under ASEAN India S&T program which includes-ASEAN-India Collaborative R&D on Thermally Sprayed Ceramic-Based CoatingsR&D project on Extent of Transfer of Alien Invasive Organisms (Nuisance) in South/SE Asia Region by ShippingTraining Course on Analysis of Chemicals and Biological Contaminants in Raw and Processed Products for ASEAN CountriesR&D project entitled “The Indian Ocean Dipole Mode, El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Monsoon Interactions and their Socio-Economic Impacts on India-ASEAN Nations.ASEAN-India S&T Digital Library;Training program on Quality System in Manufacturing.Participation of ASEAN school children have participated in India’s National Children Science Congress (NCSC).Thematic workshop/ technology mission (technology mission on functional food, renewable energy, marine biotechnology, ASEAN food conference) were also organized and participated in last couple of years.Scientific activities planned for support under ASEAN-India S&T Development Fund (AISTDF): The major scientific activities/ program finalised for support under AISTDF are as below-ASEAN-India Collaborative R&D through projectsASEAN-India Research & Training Fellowship for ASEAN professionalsParticipation of ASEAN School Children in National Children Science CongressASEAN-India Innovation Platform.Partnership Development Activities namely workshops, seminars, training programs, technology exhibitions/Fairs, S&T Information dissemination and services;A dedicated website for ASEAN-India Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation is operational under the domain name